Dies sind häufig gestellte Fragen, die unseren Benutzer und Schülern stellen. Klicken Sie auf jedes einzelne der folgenden Links, um die Antwort anzuzeigen:
Wie kann ich dieses Programm herunterladen?
Wie kann ich dieses Programm installieren?
How is the learning or training system?
Was ist der Inhalt des Kurses?
Is this course totally free and online?
When can I start my online Typing Course?
How can I continue from where I left off?
Can I get a supporting document or proof of having completed the course?
How can I print the results of the exercises?
Is it possible to download the results of the exercises?
Can I send the results of the exercises by email?
Wie kann ich dieses Programm herunterladen?
Das Programm muss nicht heruntergeladen werden, weil es ein Online-Kurs ist. Sie benötigen lediglich eine Internetverbindung.
Wie kann ich dieses Programm installieren?
Eine Installation ist nicht erforderlich.
Füllen Sie bitte das Formular aus: Anmeldeformular.
How is the learning or training system?
The goal is to learn to type without looking at the computer keyboard. The course, comprised of 100 lessons, begins with the home row and gradually incorporate the rest of letters, numbers and symbols. After reading the explanation of the lesson and see the video explanation, you must do an exercise, if you pass the goals you will advance to the next one, if not you will repeat it again. The program lets you make mistakes and do not interrupt or interfere you from this way you'll know which keys you need to improve. At the end of the exercise a comment or indications will be displayed for progress in learning. If you are a registered user (free registration) your scores will be recorded and you will continue where you left off in successive sessions also you will able to display a list of all your passed exercises
Was ist der Inhalt des Kurses?
Klicken Sie hier, um das Inhaltsverzeichnis anzuzeigen.
Is this course totally free and online?
You can sign up and complete the full course for free. The course is entirely online.
When can I start my online Typing Course?
Immediately and the course is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How can I continue from where I left off?
The best way to continue the course is being a registered student so at the beginning of each class, in the left menu you can click the number of the next lesson and access it automatically.
If you prefer not to register, choose the lesson by clicking it on the Course index.
Worum geht es in diesem Kurs? Was ist das Ziel des Kurses?
Dies ist kostenloser Schreibtrainer zum Erlernen des Schreibens, ohne auf die Computertastatur zu schauen, mit dem Ziel, den Aufwand zu reduzieren und Geschwindigkeit zu erreichen.
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Can I get a supporting document or proof of having completed the course?
Yes, you can print the results of the passed exercises and/or save them in a PDF document.
How can I print the results of the exercises?
By pressing the Print results option on your personal menu in the upper left corner.
Is it possible to download the results of the exercises?
Yes, it is, by following these instructions:
Can I send the results of the exercises by email?
Yes, you can. Previously save the results of your exercises in a PDF file as explained on Download the results of the exercises.